Creating Tomorrow

Zen Deezign Envisions A Creative Tomorrow

With One-On-One Coaching

Zen Deezign Elevates Unique Creativity

From Concept to Finished Output

Get Direction

Creative Direction

One-On-One Mentoring, Elevate Unique Creativity From Concept To Finished Output.

Do Something Out Of The Ordinary

Uniqueness by pursuing the initial idea to the final piece.

Know strengths and weaknesses.

Experience fuels creative processes.

Free thinkers with exceptional achievement abilities.

Enhanced with the right coaching.

Support is in place.

Being creative requires training and practice to get good at it. Work on your skills and training and build your experience and competency. Learn the moves, do them daily, and challenge yourself to improve. It’s like any other activity, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it.

Content Creation

1. Organic Growth – Offers direction and process toward outcome.

2. Bespoke Start – Collaborative social relevance.

3. Combine Skill and Technology – Transform ideas into a bespoke product or service.

creative content

Proven methods and strategies to humanize messages, educate customers, and promote products and services. Create ads with photos and videos. Define clients’ images and brands with related services and products.

From concept to finished product; maintaining uniqueness; creating individual creative spaces.  A picture can express a thousand words, emotions, and expressions, is given greater significance and impact by a video.

Services on offer

About Me

Design Experience

Over the past 40 years, I have gained extensive experience as a content producer and strategist, specializing in interactive tutorial interfaces and online learning platforms. My proficiency extends to graphics, videography, and photography, showcasing a versatile skill set in multimedia content creation.

In the realm of import supply chain management, I handle operational, strategic, and tactical aspects, demonstrating a deep understanding of the complexities within supply chains and the intricacies of import processes.

My professional journey also includes marketing and strategic thinking, where I have demonstrated a keen understanding of economic principles and human resources management. This multifaceted expertise positions me as a well-rounded professional capable of addressing diverse business challenges.

Beyond my professional endeavors, my commitment to Chinese Kung Fu is evident through my impressive achievements, holding a 7th Dan in Kung Fu. Additionally, earning certification as a 4th Dan Health Qigong Technical Degree Instructor showcases my dedication to holistic well-being. My role as the BRICS Health Qigong Instructors Online Training SA Representative further reflects my commitment to promoting health and wellness.

Furthermore, my involvement as a co-owner and founder of a Health and Wellness Center highlights my entrepreneurial spirit and leadership in fostering a positive impact on individuals’ health and fitness.

In summary, my 40 years of experience paint a rich tapestry of skills and accomplishments, ranging from content production and supply chain management to martial arts expertise and contributions to health and wellness. This diverse background positions me as a seasoned professional with a unique blend of skills and a holistic approach to both business and personal well-being.

Social Synergy


  • Textile Design
  • Graphics Design
  • Web Design
  • Entrepreneur
  • Business Strategist
  • Health & Wellness Industry
  • Apparel Production Industry
  • Content Design Services
  • Design Application Trainer
  • Online Learning Management Systems
  • Martial Arts Coach
  • Health Qigong Technical Coach


  • Innovative Planning
  • Creative Visionary
  • Strong Decision-Maker
  • Strategist
  • Communication
  • Design Coach
  • Colourist
  • Mentor
  • Software Architect
  • Kung Fu Coach
  • Health Qigong Coach

“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while.”

Steve Jobs

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